Robin Nightingale
Chiff-chaffs all over the place. It's such an easy song to recognise and really the first sign of what's to come. This photo was taken by Phil Smith last year ...
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Robin Nightingale added 6 new photos.
I've just finished a wonderful spring day at work in the Pits! I heard quite a few chiff-chaffs and found that our pied wagtails and robins are back in the yard, nest building. Our wintering redpolls and siskins are still on the feeders.
David Lack published his amazing Oxford study of "Swifts in a Tower" 60 years ago, in 1956. Since then, we must have learned a lot more about these most amazing birds, or have we? Find out from world-wide swift expert Dick Newell on April 1st. The talk is at St. Mary’s Church Buckden at 7.30pm. The entrance fee is only £5 and includes a free glass of wine or juice during the interval.
The talk is being organised by Ann Scott.
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Sadly the Visitor Centre will be CLOSED on Wednesday because most staff and volunteers will be attending David Cobham's funeral in Bedford. David was a top volunteer. You can read about him on my blog.
The Friends' AGM is always a good evening. About 90 people attended and the business was soon dealt with, leaving time for three presentations. Ian Dillon led the way with his talk abiout our bird ringing scheme. We learned a lot. Then Martin Runchman about the Kingfisher lottery and where the money goes, followed by random nonsense from Yours Truly. Well done The Friends!
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I was just sent this funny link regarding dogs on the South Downs Way. Nice one.
Nightingales will be here soon. I wrote this for "The Buckden Roundabout".
Have you ever heard a nightingale sing? If not, have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about? Poets and writers go on and on about nightingales and it’s always about the song and the mix of melancholy and joy that it arouses in us.
It’s hardly worth describing the actual bird. You probably won’t see one because they hide among the leaves, and even when you do see one, there isn’t much to write h...
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I've written a formal press release for HDC and the following for my blog. I hope a few parish magazines will take it up too.
Meet Molly and Marley visit Paxton Pits Nature Reserve.
When she is indoors, Molly is a shameless lap dog who will do anything for a cuddle but in the field, that cute little terrier becomes a terror! Deep down inside her genes there is a tiny bit of she-wolf that wants to run something down.
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