Have your say before the budget review.
Over the next three years, Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), has to make a saving of at least £3m. This represents about 20% of the total budget. Economies will be made in staffing, partly through a voluntary redundancy scheme. Other cuts will be made in management and administration and in "non-essential" services. Unfortunately this includes our department "Countryside Services".
Over the next three years, Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), has to make a saving of at least £3m. This represents about 20% of the total budget. Economies will be made in staffing, partly through a voluntary redundancy scheme. Other cuts will be made in management and administration and in "non-essential" services. Unfortunately this includes our department "Countryside Services".
We look after Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, Hinchingbrooke Country Park, Holt Island, Barford Road Pocket Park, St Neots Common and a host of other small sites, for the benefit of people and wildlife. We have high standards of safety and maintain many miles of footpaths to give access for all. We achieve our work to the current standard by managing a large number of volunteers.
If you use our services at all, please take part in the online consultation by following the link in blue. http://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/News%20and%20Communications/News%20Releases/2010/July/Pages/Balancingthebudget-startoftheconsultationprocess.aspx
It will take you about 20-30 minutes to fill in as you have to think quite hard!
The closing date for responses is 27th August 2010.
The consultation is not restricted to people living within HDC’s district.
This online questionnaire gives you a good idea of what various combinations of services might cost in additional community tax. It gives you the chance to make your views about the Council’s role in conservation and outdoor recreation in the district that much clearer.
A short paper version is also available, but this is less useful for our purposes. You can get one from the rangers by e-mailing paxpits@paxton-pits.org.uk
The consultation is not restricted to people living within HDC’s district.
This online questionnaire gives you a good idea of what various combinations of services might cost in additional community tax. It gives you the chance to make your views about the Council’s role in conservation and outdoor recreation in the district that much clearer.
A short paper version is also available, but this is less useful for our purposes. You can get one from the rangers by e-mailing paxpits@paxton-pits.org.uk