Tuesday, 29 November 2011

East Anglian Landscapes

East Anglia is flat and boring isn't it? Think of the A14 and weep. 'Remember queuing behind tractors and caravans all day, just to spend an hour at Southwold before driving back? I do.

Well, it's not always like that, according to Barrie Mason. He travels all over the region from his home in Bedfordshire, taking photographs, writing and lecturing, and he's a real fan of the place. So am I.

If you would like to learn more about our region; or if you are getting over Wednesday's strike; or even if you just want a toasty afternoon indoors, in good company, watching very nice pictures; then why not join us on Thursday December 1st at 2.00pm (NOTE THE TIME, IT'S IN THE AFTERNOON, NOT AT NIGHT).

There's no need to book and there's no charge (but a donation would be nice).

I'll see you there.