Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sunday Carols, Pies and a Winter Walk

The Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
invite you to an afternoon of Christmas Birds and Music
On Sunday, 11th December from 2.00 to 5.00 pm
At the Reserve Visitors’ Centre

We are offering a short guided walk to see the large numbers of water-fowl that have gathered here to escape the colder weather that is moving down from the North, followed by seasonal refreshments and carols in our warm cabin.

This year’s carollers are from the St Neots Folk Club.

This an ideal way to get in to the holiday mood, because it has all the best ingredients, (robins, berries, mince pies and carols) without requiring you to go shopping!

No need to book; it’s free and it’s fun. (a Donation would be nice though!)

Contact Jim Stevenson
07810 637543