Over two summers, habitat loss due to drought was compounded by a lack of insect food also due to drought, so it's no surprise that our nightingale numbers are down this year with only 16 to 18 singing males on the entire site. Ray Matthews has organised and intensive survey of the Heronry Loop where we have 12 singing males, while there is one on the Meadow Trail and 2 or 3 at the Sailing Lake, and perhaps 2 or 3 more up in the quarry.
Despite the mud we continued with our springtime tasks on the site, especially finishing off our new barn and building a viewing platform overlooking Heronry South Lake. This will benefit small children, adults in wheel-chairs and birders and photographers who want to use a tripod.
This is our peak time for visitors who come to see nightingales and they don't seem to be put off by the weather. In April 3073 visitors came through the centre and we had 18 visiting groups with nearly 400 participants. I bumped into people from Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire and even Canada; all here for nightingales. I also had a visit from my new boss, John Craig, who is head of Parks and Countryside Services, which we have combined under the name "Green-space". Ray and I showed him around the "top end" for half a day.
Like farmers and rangers, anglers are always complaining about something and often it's too much weed. The Hayling Pit features large floating masses of soldier weed, which is a native plant but it's a garden-escape here. I attended a meeting between the anglers, Natural England and the Environment Agency at which we hatched a plan to physically remove the biggest patch using nets. This is the best solution for us as the total eradication of soldier weed with chemicals would be too drastic a measure. Anglers pay for their sport and so, in my view, are entitled to have reasonable opportunities to catch fish where this is permitted..
Milk-maids or Ladies Smocks thrive in wet grassland. |
This coot's nest was eventually flooded out. |
Oilseed rape crops brimming over the hedges at Brampton. |