You might be my 20,000th visitor! If you are, you deserve a pat on the back. Thanks for popping by.
We try to "put ourselves out there", not just through publicity and social networks like this, but by attending as many local events as we can. It's not a chore; we really enjoy it, but it can stretch our resources, especially when we have two events on the same day and we have to keep Paxton Pits visitors' centre open as well.

On Saturday Ranger Rob and I attended Diddington Fete with volunteers Kati and Sara-Jane whikle Trevor and Veronica Gunton had a stand at the Great Paxton Flower Festival. Neither event was very well attended. In fact, we probably had more visitors back at base, but we enjoyed meeting old and new friends on what turned out to be a beautiful sunny day.

Low-key, local events like these remind me how special an English village can be. When I have visitors from over-seas, these are the perfect places to go to see us at our best. Long live the Village Fete!