Rangers, Friends and partners all came together on 27 June to celebrate the 25th birthday of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve.
The occasion was marked with a party, food and cake. The guest list included many old friends and ex-staff as well as representatives from Huntingdonshire District Council, neighbouring land owners, agencies such as English Nature and the Environment Agency, and charities such as the RSPB, the British Trust for Ornithology and the Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs and Northants. The Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve and the volunteers were well represented and the visitors’ centre was filled to overflowing.
Senior Ranger Jim Stevenson began the speeches by talking about the staff, volunteers and wildlife, followed by Professor Ray Matthews of the Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve who went on to tell the story of the reserve from the outset, concluding with a peek into the future. Councillor Peter Bucknell also spoke about the value of the reserve to the district.
“The best thing about Paxton Pits is the amount of community involvement. Working with a reduced staff and a smaller budget would be much more of a challenge if it was not for the amazing degree of support we get from our Volunteers" (Jim Stevenson).
Jo Lancaster, our Chief Executive at Huntingdonshire District Council was there and made the rounds as well as cutting the cake with our manager,Judith Arnold. Afterwards we had a short guided walk for about a dozen guests who were rewarded with good views of a turtle dove and some toads. when we vbisited the Environmental Education Centre.