A. Because they can't play the piano.
Scarce chaser |
Harlequin ladybird |
As we get into June, searching for insects is much more rewarding, especially if you look for the big ones like dragonflies. Our Norfolk hawkers have been on the wing for a week now, but more are still emerging to join the four-spotted and scarce chasers that are also present. Our first dragonfly of the year was a hairy dragonfly that clung to the side of our new pond-platform in the garden, three weeks ago.
Q. Do you know why bees hum?
A. Because they don't know the words.
Brown longhorn |
You can join us for an Insect Safari at the end of June on Sunday 28th during National Insect Week. I will remind you later, but put it in your diary so you don't forget.
The highlight of the week-end was our "Teddy Bear's Picnic" which we put on for very little children. Fortunately it didm' rain and we all had a great time searching for clues, building dens for our teddies, eating cakes and hearing stories.
The Climax of the coming week will be the Rangers' monthly staff meeting at Hinchingbrooke Country Park. We always have "Health and Safety" on the agenda and my colleagues are looking forward to hearing me explain how I was bitten by a cormorant!
Next weekend we are holding an exhibition called "25 Years of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve", in the parish church. There will even be a special service at 9:15 am on Sunday.