During National Insect Week, the Royal Entomological Society wants us to consider all of those little bugs that we usually ignore and even the ones we usually swat with a rolled up newspaper.
The District Council’s Rangers and the Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve have risen to the occasion by organising a guided Big Bug Hunt around the Meadow Trail starting at 2:00 pm. The Visitors’ Centre will be set up as a laboratory where visitors can learn about insects using microscopes and magnifiers. The Royal Entomological Society and “Buglife” have provided all sorts of related goodies to give away and there will be some art and craft activities for youngsters to do for themselves.
The Rangers have cut a special short trail in the long grass, just for the occasion. This will be provide families with a chance to get close to insects and flowers without being stung by nettles or scratched by thistles. We tried it out this week with pupils from Sam Pepys School and found loads of insects.
The event, which is aimed at families and people of all ages, costs £2 for adults and £1 for children. There is no need to book.