Sunday 9 December 2007

New home for otters

Today a group of volunteers from the Friends of Paxton Pits completed an otter holt to replace the one that was burned down last Easter. Funding came from RWE Power, who run the St Neots power station. A previous work party prepared the materials and Ranger Matt Johnson was the man with the chain-saw. It is quite a major undertaking to build a holt as the ground has to be prepared and wood from several medium-sized trees is required. We use Turkey oak and sycamore which are both invasive species of low value to wildlife.

Meanwhile, otters continue to be seen in the area and we hope that they will use the holt once the "newness" has worn off.

This week has been quite a good one for wildlife sightings. David Cobham has seen a roe deer and I have seen an adult peregrine falcon on two occassions. Waders seen at our end of the site have included ruff, green sandpiper, snipe, jack-snipe and lapwing.